We were excited to meet Sara since the first time we saw her comics. The humor, savviness and wit make you guess you'll be in the presence of a very smart and easy going person. We met in one of her favorite places on the island, on a day that was promising to be dark and with lots of rain, but ended up giving us some nice rays of sun (typical on the island). It was a very nice morning talking about the good and not so good regarding the azorean mentality, family issues, museums, take-away and dinosaurs. We loved it.

Who are you? Tell us a little about yourself.
Usually, I'm a calm person, except when those noisy motorcycles pass by, then I automatically turn into a real dinosaur :-) Really, after years without realizing my purpose here on planet Earth, I concluded that after all I’m just a human being who wants us all to live in a better world, clean, without violence, with rationality and lots of humour.

Your comics make an excellent cartoon of daily life on the island. How did you come up with that idea?
The idea for the comics came about in 2019 due to a delay on a SATA flight. I came to São Miguel to spend a week on vacation, the arrival was scheduled for 10 pm and I only arrived at 5 am. The lack of response from the airline company during the delay and in the following months left me angry and so I decided to express myself in a different way. In fact, this need comes before 2019. I’ve always been active, and I’ve always sent letters to city councils to report situations, make requests or suggest solutions. I even produced flyers and sent them to companies that had for example bad environmental practices, and I even posted small posters in Porto, but always anonymously, never giving much importance, because it was “my thing”. It wasn't until 2020 that I really realized the power of social media for this type of expression and started posting on Instagram. During the pandemic, I continued to publish daily and, as people were already getting used to the comics, I continued the project and extended myself to everyday situations of those who live on the island.

How’s life on the Island?
First of all, it always depends on the weather forecast :D Life on the island… It's having time to go surfing or drawing before going to work, and to get home from work at the end of the day, grab the bike, pass by the sushi place and go to the beach to have dinner at sunset. It's having no plans and, at the same time, having all the plans in the world.

Favorite place on the island? Why?
My favourite place is the forest as it is the only place where I can focus 100% and restore my sanity. It's as if time stopped and we stayed there levitating in a silent timeless space, where nothing seems to interfere with our concentration.

Favorite object? Why?
The computer. As a child, when I wasn't outside playing in the street, I used to write in my diary, play games and draw on the computer, on a Macintosh. Like the one from 1984. Then, I got so upset because all the other computers were already in colour and mine was still in black and white. But I liked that one. It has always been my company, it's where I make my comics, watch the news, read the newspaper, where I attend courses, listen to music, watch movies and TV shows, etc.

Outdoor sports, above all. I usually run, ride my bike, surf & skate. I also like having picnics with my friends. Read books, listen to music, and untangle wired headphones.

And surfing, what does it means to you?

One song / Band?
Florian Schneider - Stop Plastic Pollution.

A unique moment in your life?
When I got an email from the art editor at Reader's Digest: "Hi Sara", I was petrified. It was 2018 and I had sent a postcard to the UK with an illustration made by me 2 years earlier, I didn't even think he would receive it! Then, I ended up making an illustration for an article that would be published the following month.

What’s been keeping you busy?
A small comic book :p

Any future project that you can tell us about?
No no. I'd rather share it when it's ready!

If you could pick two people (alive or dead) one to surf with and one to have dinner or exchange ideas, who would they be? Why?
My friends, for both, because it’s with them that I share my existential crises and life experiences. Also, because they are smart, fun, and super creative people.

What haven’t we asked you?
Sara, don't you get tired of taking pictures of the takeaway bags you find on the floor.

Please follow Sara Azad for more of the island comics here.